
How much should a small business spend on Google Ads?

How Much Should a Small Business Spend on Google Ads?

When it comes to digital marketing, Google Ads stands out as a powerful tool for driving traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales. But how much should a small business in Australia allocate for Google Ads to see meaningful results? Let's dive into the details to help you make an informed decision.

The Minimum Spend: $1000 Per Month

At Bobo Digital, we recommend a minimum budget of $1000 per month for Google Ads. This baseline ensures that you gather enough data to make informed decisions and optimise your campaigns effectively. Here’s why this amount is crucial:

  1. Data Collection: Advertising on Google requires a certain amount of data to understand what works and what doesn’t. With a $1000 monthly budget, you can generate sufficient clicks and impressions to analyse and refine your strategy.
  2. Adequate Click Volume: The cost-per-click (CPC) in your industry significantly influences how far your budget will stretch. For example, if your industry has an average CPC of $33.4, a $1000 budget would yield approximately 30 clicks per month. Conversely, if your CPC is around $5, you can expect about 200 clicks. This discrepancy highlights the need to understand your industry's average CPC to set realistic expectations.

Understanding Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

The CPC varies widely across industries. High-competition sectors like legal or financial services can have CPCs upwards of $50, while less competitive industries might see CPCs closer to $2-$3. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • High Competition (e.g., Legal Services): $30-$50+ per click
  • Medium Competition (e.g., Real Estate): $10-$20 per click
  • Low Competition (e.g., Arts & Entertainment): $2-$5 per click

Knowing your industry’s average CPC helps you predict the number of clicks your budget will buy. For instance, in a high-competition industry with a CPC of $33.4, your $1000 budget might only afford around 30 clicks. This limited click volume makes it challenging to accurately gauge conversion rates and optimise effectively.

Calculating Potential Clicks

Here’s a quick formula to estimate the number of clicks you might receive:

Number of Clicks=Monthly BudgetCPC\text{Number of Clicks} = \frac{\text{Monthly Budget}}{\text{CPC}}Number of Clicks=CPCMonthly Budget​

For example:

  • Monthly Budget: $1000
  • CPC: $5

Number of Clicks=10005=200\text{Number of Clicks} = \frac{1000}{5} = 200Number of Clicks=51000​=200

With 200 clicks, you have a better chance of gathering sufficient data to understand user behaviour, test different ad copies, and identify the keywords that convert best.

Conversion Rates and ROI

To determine if your Google Ads spend is effective, tracking conversion rates is crucial. A typical conversion rate for Google Ads ranges from 2% to 5%, but this can vary based on the industry and the effectiveness of your landing pages and ad copy.

Here’s a quick example:

  • Monthly Budget: $1000
  • CPC: $5
  • Clicks: 200
  • Conversion Rate: 3%

Conversions=Clicks×Conversion Rate\text{Conversions} = \text{Clicks} \times \text{Conversion Rate}Conversions=Clicks×Conversion RateConversions=200×0.03=6\text{Conversions} = 200 \times 0.03 = 6Conversions=200×0.03=6

If each conversion (sale, lead, etc.) is worth $200 to your business, the return on your $1000 spend would be $1200, providing a positive return on investment (ROI).

Setting Realistic Expectations

It's important to set realistic expectations for your Google Ads campaigns. Initially, your campaigns may not be profitable as you collect data and optimise your strategy. However, with consistent monitoring and adjustments, performance should improve over time.

Key Factors Influencing Your Google Ads Budget

Several factors can influence how much a small business should spend on Google Ads:

  1. Industry Competition: The level of competition in your industry plays a significant role in determining your CPC. Highly competitive industries require higher budgets to outbid competitors and secure top ad positions.
  2. Target Audience Size: The size of your target audience affects your ad spend. Broad targeting can result in higher costs, whereas more specific targeting can help control your budget and increase the relevance of your ads.
  3. Geographic Location: Advertising in densely populated areas or regions with high commercial activity can be more expensive. Understanding the geographic dynamics of your target market helps tailor your budget accordingly.
  4. Ad Quality and Relevance: Google rewards high-quality, relevant ads with better ad placements and lower CPCs. Investing in well-crafted ad copy and optimising your landing pages can improve your Quality Score, ultimately reducing costs.
  5. Seasonality and Trends: Seasonal fluctuations and market trends can impact ad performance and costs. Allocating additional budget during peak seasons or adjusting your spend based on market trends can yield better results.

Strategies to Maximise Your Google Ads Budget

To make the most of your Google Ads budget, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-intent, low-competition keywords. This helps you target the right audience and reduce wasted spend on irrelevant clicks.
  2. Negative Keywords: Use negative keywords to exclude irrelevant search terms and prevent your ads from showing to the wrong audience. This ensures that your budget is spent on clicks that are more likely to convert.
  3. Ad Extensions: Utilise ad extensions to provide additional information and increase the visibility of your ads. Extensions like site links, callouts, and structured snippets can enhance your ad’s performance without extra cost.
  4. A/B Testing: Continuously test different ad variations to identify which ones perform best. A/B testing helps optimise your ad copy, headlines, and calls-to-action, leading to higher click-through and conversion rates.
  5. Bid Adjustments: Adjust your bids based on device, location, time of day, and audience segments. Bid adjustments allow you to allocate your budget more efficiently and focus on the most valuable traffic.
  6. Remarketing: Implement remarketing campaigns to target users who have previously interacted with your website. Remarketing can improve conversion rates by re-engaging potential customers who are already familiar with your brand.

Monitoring and Optimisation

Regular monitoring and optimisation are key to a successful Google Ads campaign. Here’s what to focus on:

  1. Performance Metrics: Track key performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost-per-conversion, and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics provide insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  2. Budget Allocation: Adjust your budget allocation based on campaign performance. Allocate more budget to high-performing campaigns and reduce spend on underperforming ones.
  3. Ad Positioning: Monitor your ad positioning to ensure your ads appear in prominent positions. Higher ad positions typically yield better click-through and conversion rates.
  4. Quality Score: Continuously work on improving your Quality Score by enhancing ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected click-through rate. A higher Quality Score can lower your CPC and improve ad placements.
  5. Competitive Analysis: Keep an eye on your competitors’ ad strategies and performance. Understanding their tactics can help you identify opportunities for improvement and differentiation.

Partnering with Bobo Digital

Navigating the complexities of Google Ads can be challenging, especially for small businesses with limited resources. Partnering with a digital marketing agency like Bobo Digital can provide the expertise and support needed to maximise your ad spend. Our team can create a tailored advertising plan, optimise your campaigns, and ensure you achieve your business goals.


Investing in Google Ads is a strategic move for small businesses looking to enhance their online presence and drive growth. Starting with a minimum budget of $1000 per month allows you to gather valuable data, understand user behaviour, and make informed adjustments. By implementing best practices, regularly monitoring performance, and optimising your campaigns, you can achieve a positive return on investment and grow your business effectively. For tailored advice and a customised advertising plan, consider partnering with Bobo Digital. Our expertise can help you maximise your ad spend and achieve your business goals.


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