
How Much Do You Pay Per Click on Google Ads?

How Much Do You Pay Per Click on Google Ads?

Whether you’re diving into PPC for the first time or managing a new client’s account, it can be daunting to gauge whether your campaigns are performing well. While everyone aims to create high-performing ads with stellar CTRs and conversion rates, what’s considered a good metric varies significantly across industries. This guide will help you understand the average benchmarks for Google Ads, including average CPCs, CTRs, CVRs, and CPAs, tailored specifically for Australian businesses.

Average Click-Through Rate in Google Ads by Industry

Understanding average click-through rates (CTR) is crucial for evaluating the performance of your Google Ads campaigns. In Australia, just like globally, certain industries tend to perform better in terms of CTR due to the nature of their services or products.

For instance, dating and personal services often have high CTRs because of the emotional appeal in their ad copy. Industries like advocacy, automotive, and travel also see relatively high CTRs. Conversely, sectors such as technology, B2B, and consumer services typically have lower CTRs.

average ctr in adwords

Industry-Specific CTRs

  • Advocacy: 4.41% (Search), 0.59% (Display)
  • Auto: 4.00% (Search), 0.60% (Display)
  • B2B: 2.41% (Search), 0.46% (Display)
  • Consumer Services: 2.41% (Search), 0.51% (Display)
  • Dating & Personals: 6.05% (Search), 0.72% (Display)
  • E-Commerce: 2.69% (Search), 0.51% (Display)
  • Education: 3.78% (Search), 0.53% (Display)
  • Employment Services: 2.42% (Search), 0.59% (Display)
  • Finance & Insurance: 2.91% (Search), 0.52% (Display)
  • Health & Medical: 3.27% (Search), 0.59% (Display)
  • Home Goods: 2.44% (Search), 0.49% (Display)
  • Industrial Services: 2.61% (Search), 0.50% (Display)
  • Legal: 2.93% (Search), 0.59% (Display)
  • Real Estate: 3.71% (Search), 1.08% (Display)
  • Technology: 2.09% (Search), 0.39% (Display)
  • Travel & Hospitality: 4.68% (Search), 0.47% (Display)

Overall, the average CTR in Google Ads across all industries is 3.17% for search and 0.46% for display. All benchmarks according to Wordstream.

Impact on Australian Businesses

For Australian businesses, maintaining a high CTR is essential as it indicates effective ad copy and targeting strategies. High CTRs mean more potential customers are clicking on your ads, increasing the chances of conversions. With digital advertising becoming more competitive, particularly in major markets like Sydney and Melbourne, businesses need to craft compelling ads that resonate with their audience to achieve and surpass these benchmarks.

Average Cost Per Click in Google Ads by Industry

Cost-per-click (CPC) is a critical metric for budgeting your Google Ads campaigns. CPCs can vary significantly based on industry competitiveness and keyword demand. Industries such as legal services and consumer services have some of the highest CPCs due to high competition for top-performing keywords.

contextual display costs

Industry-Specific CPCs

  • Advocacy: $1.43 (Search), $0.62 (Display)
  • Auto: $2.46 (Search), $0.58 (Display)
  • B2B: $3.33 (Search), $0.79 (Display)
  • Consumer Services: $6.40 (Search), $0.81 (Display)
  • Dating & Personals: $2.78 (Search), $1.49 (Display)
  • E-Commerce: $1.16 (Search), $0.45 (Display)
  • Education: $2.40 (Search), $0.47 (Display)
  • Employment Services: $2.04 (Search), $0.78 (Display)
  • Finance & Insurance: $3.44 (Search), $0.86 (Display)
  • Health & Medical: $2.62 (Search), $0.63 (Display)
  • Home Goods: $2.94 (Search), $0.60 (Display)
  • Industrial Services: $2.56 (Search), $0.54 (Display)
  • Legal: $6.75 (Search), $0.72 (Display)
  • Real Estate: $2.37 (Search), $0.75 (Display)
  • Technology: $3.80 (Search), $0.51 (Display)
  • Travel & Hospitality: $1.53 (Search), $0.44 (Display)

The average CPC in Google Ads across all industries is $2.69 for search and $0.63 for display. All benchmarks according to Wordstream.

Impact on Australian Businesses

For Australian businesses, understanding CPC is crucial for managing budgets effectively. Over the years, CPCs have been increasing due to heightened competition. For example, legal keywords are highly competitive and can cost upwards of $6.75 per click, which can quickly deplete a marketing budget if not managed properly. Businesses in metropolitan areas like Sydney and Melbourne might face higher CPCs due to the dense competition. Therefore, strategic keyword bidding and effective budget management are key to ensuring a healthy return on investment (ROI).

Average Conversion Rates in Google Ads by Industry

Conversion rates (CVR) indicate how well your ads are driving the desired actions, such as purchases or sign-ups. High CVRs are indicative of well-targeted ads and optimised landing pages. Certain industries like dating & personals and consumer services often enjoy higher conversion rates.

average conversion rate in adwords

Industry-Specific CVRs

  • Advocacy: 1.96% (Search), 1.00% (Display)
  • Auto: 6.03% (Search), 1.19% (Display)
  • B2B: 3.04% (Search), 0.80% (Display)
  • Consumer Services: 6.64% (Search), 0.98% (Display)
  • Dating & Personals: 9.64% (Search), 3.34% (Display)
  • E-Commerce: 2.81% (Search), 0.59% (Display)
  • Education: 3.39% (Search), 0.50% (Display)
  • Employment Services: 5.13% (Search), 1.57% (Display)
  • Finance & Insurance: 5.10% (Search), 1.19% (Display)
  • Health & Medical: 3.36% (Search), 0.82% (Display)
  • Home Goods: 2.70% (Search), 0.43% (Display)
  • Industrial Services: 3.37% (Search), 0.94% (Display)
  • Legal: 6.98% (Search), 1.84% (Display)
  • Real Estate: 2.47% (Search), 0.80% (Display)
  • Technology: 2.92% (Search), 0.86% (Display)
  • Travel & Hospitality: 3.55% (Search), 0.51% (Display)

The average conversion rate in Google Ads across all industries is 3.75% for search and 0.77% for display.

Impact on Australian Businesses

For businesses in Australia, achieving high conversion rates is critical. High CVRs mean that a greater proportion of your ad clicks are resulting in meaningful actions, such as purchases or leads. This is especially important in competitive markets like Sydney and Melbourne, where high CPCs necessitate high CVRs to maintain profitability. Industries such as consumer services and dating & personals, which typically have higher CVRs, can leverage this to their advantage by ensuring their ad copy and landing pages are optimised for conversions.

Average Cost Per Action in Google Ads by Industry

Cost per action (CPA) measures the cost of acquiring a customer or lead. Lower CPAs indicate more efficient campaigns. Industries such as autos and e-commerce generally have lower CPAs, while B2B and real estate sectors tend to have higher CPAs.

average cost per action in adwords

Industry-Specific CPAs

  • Advocacy: $96.55 (Search), $70.69 (Display)
  • Auto: $33.52 (Search), $23.68 (Display)
  • B2B: $116.13 (Search), $130.36 (Display)
  • Consumer Services: $90.70 (Search), $60.48 (Display)
  • Dating & Personals: $76.76 (Search), $60.23 (Display)
  • E-Commerce: $45.27 (Search), $65.80 (Display)
  • Education: $72.70 (Search), $143.36 (Display)
  • Employment Services: $48.04 (Search), $59.47 (Display)
  • Finance & Insurance: $81.93 (Search), $56.76 (Display)
  • Health & Medical: $78.09 (Search), $72.58 (Display)
  • Home Goods: $87.13 (Search), $116.17 (Display)
  • Industrial Services: $79.28 (Search), $51.58 (Display)
  • Legal: $86.02 (Search), $39.52 (Display)
  • Real Estate: $116.61 (Search), $74.79 (Display)
  • Technology: $133.52 (Search), $103.60 (Display)
  • Travel & Hospitality: $44.73 (Search), $99.13 (Display)

The average CPA in Google Ads across all industries is $48.96 for search and $75.51 for display. All benchmarks according to Wordstream.

Impact on Australian Businesses

For Australian businesses, managing CPA is crucial for maintaining profitability. High CPAs can quickly eat into your marketing budget, especially in competitive sectors like real estate and B2B. Therefore, focusing on reducing CPAs while maintaining or improving conversion rates is essential. This is particularly true in major Australian cities like Sydney and Melbourne, where competition can drive CPAs higher.

How Bobo Digital Can Help Reduce Your CPCs and CPAs and Increase Conversion Rates

Factors Impacting CPCs and CPAs

Several factors can impact your CPCs and CPAs, including:

  1. Quality Score: Google's Quality Score affects your CPCs. Higher quality scores lead to lower CPCs.
  2. Ad Relevance: Relevant ads that match user intent can improve CTRs and Quality Scores.
  3. Landing Page Experience: A seamless and relevant landing page experience can boost conversion rates.
  4. Keyword Selection: Choosing the right keywords, including long-tail keywords, can lower CPCs.
  5. Bid Strategies: Effective bid management and automation can optimise ad spend.
  6. Ad Extensions: Using ad extensions can improve ad visibility and CTRs.

How Bobo Digital Can Improve Your Campaign Performance

At Bobo Digital, we specialise in creating and managing Google Ads campaigns that deliver high ROI. Here's how we can help your business:

  1. Comprehensive Audit and Strategy: We start with a thorough audit of your existing campaigns to identify areas for improvement. Our team develops a tailored strategy based on your business goals and target audience.
  2. Optimised Ad Copy and Keywords: We craft compelling ad copy that resonates with your audience and selects high-performing keywords to improve ad relevance and CTRs.
  3. Landing Page Optimisation: Our experts optimise your landing pages to ensure they are relevant, fast-loading, and user-friendly, which enhances the user experience and boosts conversion rates.
  4. Advanced Targeting and Bid Management: We leverage advanced targeting options and smart bidding strategies to reach your ideal customers at the right time, maximising your ad spend efficiency.
  5. Continuous Monitoring and Optimisation: We continuously monitor your campaigns, making data-driven adjustments to improve performance. This includes A/B testing ad variations, adjusting bids, and refining targeting.
  6. Detailed Reporting and Insights: We provide transparent, detailed reports on your campaign performance, offering insights into what’s working and where further optimisations can be made.

The Bobo Digital Difference

By partnering with Bobo Digital, you can expect:

  • Lower CPCs: Through optimised ad strategies and high-quality scores, we reduce your CPCs, making your ad spend more efficient.
  • Lower CPAs: Our focus on conversion optimisation means you’ll pay less for each customer or lead.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: With optimised ad copy and landing pages, we increase the likelihood that clicks turn into conversions.

If you’re looking to improve your Google Ads performance and achieve better ROI, Bobo Digital is here to help. Our team of experts is dedicated to driving results for Australian businesses. Contact us today to learn more about how we can optimise your Google Ads campaigns and help your business grow.


Navigating the landscape of Google Ads can be challenging, but understanding key benchmarks like CPC, CTR, CVR, and CPA can provide valuable insights into your campaign performance. For Australian businesses, these metrics are crucial for staying competitive in a crowded digital market. By partnering with a trusted agency like Bobo Digital, you can optimise your Google Ads strategy, reduce costs, and increase conversions, ensuring your marketing budget is well spent and drives meaningful results.


Got a project in mind? Want to chat about the latest in data-driven marketing? Or simply have a few questions? We're all ears. Drop us a line, shoot us an email, or swing by for a good old-fashioned chat over coffee. Our door is always open (well, within business hours) to talk shop or just to say hi. Let's connect and see where we can take your business with the right strategy.

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