
How much is 1000 views on Google Ads?

How Much is 1,000 Views on Google Ads?

When it comes to Google Ads, the cost structure can vary depending on the type of campaign you are running. While you typically don't pay per view on Google Search campaigns, understanding the cost of views is more relevant for YouTube ads, which are also managed through the Google Ads platform. This article will delve into the differences between Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per View (CPV), and provide insights into running YouTube ads via Google Ads.

Cost Per Click (CPC) vs. Cost Per View (CPV)

Cost Per Click (CPC):

  • Definition: CPC refers to the amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. This metric is commonly used for Google Search and Display Network ads.
  • Usage: CPC is ideal for driving direct traffic to your website and is more action-oriented. You only pay when a user takes the intended action of clicking on your ad.
  • Typical Costs: CPC can vary widely based on industry, competition, and keyword relevance. On average, businesses in Australia might pay between $1 and $7 per click for Search ads.

Cost Per View (CPV):

  • Definition: CPV refers to the amount you pay each time someone views your video ad. This metric is used primarily for YouTube ads.
  • Usage: CPV is more suitable for brand awareness and engagement campaigns. You pay when a user watches your video ad, typically defined as viewing at least 30 seconds or interacting with the video.
  • Typical Costs: The average CPV for YouTube ads can range from $0.03 to $0.30, with most industries seeing an average around $0.026 per view.

Running YouTube Ads Through Google Ads

YouTube ads are managed through the Google Ads platform, allowing you to target audiences based on their search behavior, demographics, interests, and more. Here’s how it works:

  1. Creating Your Campaign: You start by creating a video campaign in Google Ads. Choose your campaign goals, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or product consideration.
  2. Setting Your Budget and Bids: Determine your daily budget and set your CPV bid, which is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for a view.
  3. Targeting Your Audience: Use Google’s robust targeting options to reach your desired audience. You can target by age, gender, location, interests, and more.
  4. Choosing Ad Formats: Select from various ad formats like skippable in-stream ads, non-skippable in-stream ads, bumper ads, and more.
  5. Launching Your Ads: Once your campaign is set up, launch your ads. Google’s algorithms will handle the placement, ensuring your ads are shown to the right audience.

Cost Estimates for 1,000 Views on YouTube Ads

Based on the average CPV data, here’s an estimate of what you might expect to pay for 1,000 views on YouTube ads:

  • Average CPV: $0.026
  • Cost for 1,000 Views: $0.026 x 1,000 = $26

This means, on average, you could expect to pay around $26 for 1,000 views on YouTube. However, this cost can vary depending on your industry, targeting options, ad quality, and competitive factors.

Factors Influencing CPV

Several factors can influence the CPV of your YouTube ads:

  • Industry: More competitive industries tend to have higher CPVs.
  • Targeting: Narrower targeting criteria can increase your CPV as you compete for a smaller audience segment.
  • Ad Quality: Higher quality and more engaging ads can result in lower CPVs as they achieve better viewer retention and engagement rates.
  • Ad Format: Different ad formats have different average CPVs. For example, non-skippable ads might have higher CPVs compared to skippable in-stream ads.


While running your own Google Ads campaigns is possible, the complexity and time investment required to optimise these campaigns can lead to wasted budget if not managed effectively. For businesses looking to maximize their ROI, partnering with a professional agency can provide the expertise and strategic insights needed to make the most of your advertising spend.

For tailored assistance in setting up and optimizing your Google Ads and YouTube campaigns, reach out to Bobo Digital. Our experts are dedicated to helping you achieve your digital marketing goals with efficient and effective ad management. Contact us today to get started!


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